New Plant-Based TV Reality Show from ‘Biggest Loser’ Producers

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The moment plant-based nutrition enthusiasts have been waiting for is here, and ‘the truth’ is finally about to come out.  The highly anticipated new series from Biggest Loser producer, JD Roth, launches Sunday, June 11th on Z Living .  The Big Fat Truth–the book and now TV reality show–by Roth focuses in on whole food plant-based (WFPB) nutrition, exercise, and the emotional component required for permanent sustainable weight loss. When asked by Z Living Staff, ‘What is the big fat truth?’ Roth says,

The big fat truth is that there’s no quick fix. There is no diet that is going to work, there’s no piece of exercise equipment you can use and there’s no pill you can take.

Another big fat truth is that commerce and business don’t want you thin because everyone wins when you’re not thin. You buy more food that’s not good for you and you have to take more medications.

There’s more money being spent on the healthcare side so guess who wins? All the choices that you make provide a lot of business for other people. 

Under the guidance of Michael Greger, MD, FACLM, author of the NY Times Best Seller, How Not To Die  and founder of, the show’s participants–which include teachers, nurses, diabetics, new moms, chefs, and previous Biggest Loser contestants– are monitored as they consume a plant-based diet for 90 days. Roth tells Z Living,

This show gives me the chance to spread the gospel of healthy living both physically and mentally, while showing the viewer how we really get weight off people.  

For the premiere show of The Big Fat Truth, producers will bring back six former contestants from The Biggest Loser who lost a collective total of 630 lbs, but then gained back all the weight they had fought so hard to take off. Roth spends 3 months showing them what he believes are the keys to permanent weight loss.

Weight loss does not have to feel extreme; it can be done in simple, actionable, and realistic steps that work for you. But what it does take is determination and commitment.

Upcoming shows in the new series will include unsung heroes–moms, teachers, nurses, diabetics, and chefs.

They’re everyday heroes who make big sacrifices to help others. But in their own lives … they pay the ultimate price. Now, JD Roth helps unsung heroes break the bad habits that are damaging their health. –Z Living

So grab that veggie pizza and bowl of air-popped corn, and tune in to Z Living on Sundays at 8 p.m. EST, premiering June 11.  I have a feeling we’re going to have a lot to celebrate!

Find out where to watch The Big Fat Truth on Z Living and check channel availability HERE. For streaming online, go to the Z Living website. 

UPDATE: Check out my review of The Big Fat Truth and watch the first TWO episodes in this article Teachers Learn about Nutrition on ‘The Big Fat Truth’ (from producers of Biggest Loser),

Check out our amazing plant-based recipes like this one:

Loaded Vegan Potato Skins close up of pan lined with parchement paper

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  1. When will this be on cabel tv, so we can enjoy the show. I been a vegan for 13 years and most of what I eat is plant. I would like to know more.
    Thank you

  2. Please get it to mainstream tv, free tv, cable, DirectTv ….. been waiting for years for plant-based shows.

  3. I am 90%planted base doing awesome Love the way it change me inside and out. Always love telling people about heath. I am a Massage therapist learning to combine nutrition , massage and prayers together.

  4. Why is this on such an obscure channel that so many people don’t get? A little more mainstream would be great.

  5. Looking forward to “The Big Fat Truth”, expect to find good nutrition advice. Too many sites peddling bad advice and questionable products.

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