About Terri Edwards & EatPlant-Based

My personal experience is that in 2012, at 45 years old, I was suffering from increasingly painful and swollen joints, as well as other health issues that had started around age 35 and were progressively worsening.

My mother has debilitating rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, vasculitis, neuropathy, and other health issues, and has been disabled since her 50’s.  I was terrified I was heading down that same path.

After numerous doctor visits and blood tests with no answers, I decided to investigate nutritional options. My daughter recommended the Forks Over Knives documentary, which my husband and I watched on February 15, 2013, and became instant plant-based, whole food consumers.

Since that time, I’ve resolved my inflamed and painful joints, lowered my cholesterol from  220 to 141, dropped over 50 lbs., resolved adult acne that previously required prescription medication, and recovered from sleeping issues. 

Sometimes I have to pinch myself to believe this is the same body I had just a few short years ago. Honestly feels like I traded the old one in for this newer model.

As exciting as the weight loss is, it pales in comparison to the health benefits I’ve experienced. The unseen is more powerful than the seen. This is freedom from sickness, and I’m so thankful!

Terri Edwards before and after

My personal mission now is to promote this way of health in my community (and beyond) and hopefully see some lives changed, just like mine. I live in North Carolina with my husband of 35 years. I have a degree in Business Administration, certification in Plant-Based Nutrition through eCornell/ Cornell University, T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, and am licensed as a Food for Life instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. I am also an author for the Center for Nutrition Studies.

My other passions include my faith and family, daily hiking with my German shepherd, and yoga.  I used to be a federal and state-licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator. 

I was dreading the Empty Nest Syndrome but have found that I’m excited for this next phase of life and the honor of helping others regain their life and health. FOOD IS MEDICINE!

Need to contact me? This is my Contact Information. Media Kit available upon request.  

More inspiring plant-based stories can be found on my WFPB Success Stories page.

The infamous Chef AJ has interviewed me twice on her live shows. My first appearance on Chef AJ LIVE was to demo my plant-based black bean burgers and chocolate vegan mug cake. The second interview included a how-to for my tofu chocolate mousse.

About EatPlant-Based

My blog was started in March 2014 to share recipes and health-related information with family and friends. It is now receiving over 450,000 views each month and reaching people in over 150 countries.

EatPlant-Based is a local and online oasis for those seeking wellness and restoring health through scientifically proven plant-based nutrition. My site offers nearly 500 healthy plant-based recipes, handy kitchen tips, and the latest information on nutritional scientific research.

We have articles from plant-based experts, Plant-Based Doctors Guest Authors, that provide important health and diet information from qualified professionals who are world-renowned in the whole food plant-based (WFPB) medical and scientific communities.

Eatplant-based.COM, LLC BBB accredited business profile

Ways to Connect

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are all the recipes vegan?

YES! Every single recipe on EatPlant-Based is vegan. There are a handful of recipes that mention honey, but a bee-free honey option is also linked.

Are the recipes gluten-free?

Some recipes are gluten-free and some aren’t. If you are interested in only the GF recipes, you can find them here: Gluten-Free Vegan Recipes.

Do you use weird hard-to-find ingredients?

I really try to make recipes using healthy ingredients that many grocery stores or Walmart carry. Personally, I rarely ever go into specialty stores to buy anything. People new to being plant-based may not have heard of a few products like bulgur and nutritional yeast, but they can usually be easily found in grocery stores.

How hard are the recipes to make?

Most of the recipes on my site are easy to make if you are used to cooking. For those who are not cooks at all but want to start eating healthier, I recommend checking out these 10 Super Simple Plant-Based Meals to get started. I even have a list of Lazy Vegan Meals that can be made in 15-30 minutes for anyone just not into spending time in the kitchen.

Will my family and friends eat these recipes?

I sure hope so! There is a special category on my site for Kid-Friendly Recipes that should help with those picky eaters. They are even great for hesitant adults as well!

Isn’t being vegan too expensive?

It doesn’t have to be. The expense comes from shopping at specialty stores and buying a lot of packaged and pre-made products. As Dr. Neal Barnard says, “Meat is expensive. Milk and cheese are expensive. Rice, beans, and vegetables…not so much.” My article, How to Eat Plant-Based on a Budget, gives lots of great ideas for shopping smart, and there are even recipes and a grocery list included.

Want to Learn More?

My Vlogs

YouTube thumbnail for breakfast scramble